Art in Social Prescribing at Culture and Well-being Forum
- Inner Space, News
Art in Social Prescribing at Culture and Well-being Forum
- Inner Space, News
Art in Social Prescribing at Culture and Well-being Forum
What if doctors and social carers prescribed art?
The 2024 Forum explores social prescribing as an opportunity to integrate culture, social and health efforts to provide holistic approaches to individual and community health and resilience. Hear from experts who are pioneering with models of arts on prescription and be part of the movement paving the way to cultural welfare.
The Culture and Well-Being Forum is an annual event organised by Cluj Cultural Centre since 2018, bringing together political decision-makers, and culture and health professionals in Europe to discuss practices, opportunities for public policy and joint action with the view to activate the power of the arts for health and well-being.
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AWAKE paves the way for entrepreneurial opportunities in the fields of art and wellbeing
The European AWAKE program aims to bring to light emerging collaborative practices that connect the fields of art and well-being.
- Inner Space
AWAKE paves the way for entrepreneurial opportunities in the fields of art and wellbeing
The European AWAKE program aims to bring to light emerging collaborative practices that connect the fields of art and well-being.
- Inner Space
AWAKE paves the way for entrepreneurial opportunities in the fields of art and wellbeing
The European AWAKE program aims to bring to light emerging collaborative practices that connect the fields of art and well-being.
The European AWAKE program aims to bring to light emerging collaborative practices that connect the fields of art and well-being. Given our focus on the influence of culture on health and well-being, exemplified by the Inner Space program, collaborating with other European stakeholders interested in these topics is a natural step. Thus, we are partners in the innovative AWAKE project, led by the Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture: Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture: „AWAKE: Arts & Wellbeing As a Creative Business and Future Livelihood”.
The AWAKE project recognizes the transformative potential of combining art and wellbeing, not just for individuals, but for the community and society as a whole. The aim of the project is to open new ways for entrepreneurial initiatives and business prospects within this dynamic and constantly evolving sector.
Funded by Creative Europe, the AWAKE project runs between November 2023 and October 2025, and aims to explore the dynamic connection between art and wellbeing by building entrepreneurial skills for artists/cultural workers interested in working in this direction. The approach is a complex one, aiming to achieve several key objectives:
- Creation of educational materials: AWAKE will compile a comprehensive catalog of business models that offer creative activities to enhance well-being.
- Training opportunities: Workshops and a specialized bootcamp will be offered to those interested in acquiring practical skills and knowledge at the intersection of art, wellbeing and entrepreneurship.
- Round Table Debates: The project will facilitate comprehensive and diverse debates, promoting dialogue and collaboration between professionals and stakeholders in the field.
The first physical meeting of the project took place between January 16 and 18 at the Pôle Culture et Santé en Nouvelle Aquitaine in Bordeaux, France. During this meeting, the project partners came together to lay the foundations for collaboration. Under the guidance of NDPC colleagues Kate Zilgalve-Masjukeviča and Krista Petäjäjärvi, the meeting included detailed discussions on the progress and content of the project. More importantly, it provided a platform for sharing experiences for partners, contributing to a collective learning environment.
Our colleague, Claudia Cacovean, Inner Space project manager, was present at the meeting and tells us in the lines below how the experience of the two days was for her:
\”The AWAKE project is a special opportunity for artists and cultural workers who want to develop their skills in creative activities for health and wellbeing. The partners in the project are oriented and involved in developing materials and activities that best serve the needs of artists, which is why I have full confidence that this project will be extremely useful for both Romanian and international artists.\”
AWAKE is poised to make a lasting mark on the intersection of art, wellbeing and creative entrepreneurship, and over the next two years, when the implementation phase takes place, artists are invited to stay close to this initiative, as it may pave the way to an interconnected future.
An Existential Perspective on Work | A workshop for people working in companies
While we strive to reach our objectives in our work, we often face uncertainties, tensions and limitations, which are unavoidable
- Inner Space, News
An Existential Perspective on Work | A workshop for people working in companies
While we strive to reach our objectives in our work, we often face uncertainties, tensions and limitations, which are unavoidable
- Inner Space, News
An Existential Perspective on Work | A workshop for people working in companies
While we strive to reach our objectives in our work, we often face uncertainties, tensions and limitations, which are unavoidable
While we strive to reach our objectives in our work, we often face uncertainties, tensions and limitations, which are unavoidable facts of life. There are situations and times when we are not able to deal with them, feel desperate, waver and get stuck. Sometimes we overestimate our physical or psychological limits or even the limits of our competencies, we may unconsciously force ourselves to perform beyond them and one day we come to a state that we cannot take it anymore. Sometimes we underestimate our potential and remain in our comfort zone, which causes a lack of satisfaction with life. We sometimes perceive that what we are doing is meaningless, which may result in a loss of motivation to move forward.
This workshop is specifically curated for professionals like you to delve into the existential aspects of professional lives. It will take place on November 20th (from 14:00 to 17:00) at Casa TIFF, and Mahir Namur will guide us through the conversation.
As the ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus stated, \”It is not the events themselves that trouble people\’s minds, but rather the meaning they place on those events.\” Drawing inspiration from this insight, in this seminar, Mahir Namur, cultural manager and psychological counselor, will introduce an existential perspective on life, so that participants are encouraged to reevaluate their outlook to all these existential issues in their professional life, in order to gain motivation for enhancing the well-being in their work environment. The important role of creativity and arts in this context will be discussed.
Participation is free of charge. There are 40 seats available.
Songs for moms and babies / Énekek édesanyáknak és csecsemőiknek
Songs for moms and babies A music project for mental health Cluj Cultural Centre proposes to new mothers who face
- Inner Space
Songs for moms and babies / Énekek édesanyáknak és csecsemőiknek
Songs for moms and babies A music project for mental health Cluj Cultural Centre proposes to new mothers who face
- Inner Space
Songs for moms and babies / Énekek édesanyáknak és csecsemőiknek
Songs for moms and babies A music project for mental health Cluj Cultural Centre proposes to new mothers who face
Songs for moms and babies
A music project for mental health
Cluj Cultural Centre proposes to new mothers who face continuous anxiety, sadness, depression or despair to participate in a pilot project in which we can explore together the benefits of music for emotional and mental health.
The group workshops will take place in Cluj-Napoca. 8 to 12 mothers will participate, in person, together with their babies, in 10 weekly sessions of 60 minutes each. Participation in workshops is not conditioned by musical skills or experience.
The project is aimed at mothers who:
– are over 18 years old and participate with their babies aged up to 10 months;
– have the availability to participate in all 10 workshops that are provided;
– have the openness to go through all the necessary steps for the research to be carried out within the project, by completing the questionnaires in the key moments of the workshops and participating in a focus group activity at the end of them;
– have symptoms of depression and anxiety: they go through difficult-to-explain emotional states, feelings of confusion, uncertainty, fright, exhaustion.
Participation is free and is based on registration, until May 29, 2022. The number of places is limited.
Two series of group workshops will be organized, one in Romanian (between June 6 – August 8), and one in Hungarian (between June 13 – August 16). Each series will include 10 Romanian language or Hungarian language sessions for each participant, depending on the option expressed when registering.
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Enrolled people will be invited to participate in the program based on a brief assessment of their emotional state, through the registration form. The information shared with us at registration and during the research will be treated confidentially.
The registration form and the annexes of the participation agreement contain all the necessary details about the data that we will collect in order to carry out the research and to be able to communicate relevant information about the project to the participants. They will be used anonymously and confidentially only for the purpose of this research.
The workshops in Romanian will be facilitated by Alexandra Făgărășan, pianist and music teacher. Alexandra conducts a sustained activity with singing students, and is currently writing a paper on how to better guide adolescents who face anxiety problems when singing in front of an audience. A former chorister herself, Alexandra also coordinated a song program with children from a placement center. She usually participates in the organization of cultural events with a cheerful, rigorous and experienced approach.
The workshops in Hungarian are led by Johanna Bertóti, singer and songwriter, who has performed over 150 shows in over 10 years of activity; her current repertoire includes four children shows and two programs for teenagers and adults. As a playwright, translator and poet, she also writes lyrics and songs and works as a music director for children shows. In her work, Johanna places great emphasis on interactive experiences and believes that the liberating power of music is an irreplaceable opportunity.
For questions and additional information you can contact us at +40 752073058 or by email:
The pilot project organized by Cluj Cultural Center is initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO Europe) and the Nordic Culture Fund, that explores effective and sustainable strategies for the integration of art and culture in the wider health services sector. It is implemented in Cluj-Napoca/Romania and is carried out within the CultureForHealth project, co-financed by the European Commission and realized in partnership by: Culture Action Europe, Trans Europe Halles, Central Denmark Region, The Northern Dimension Partnership for Culture, Cluj Cultural Center and Društvo Asoc.
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Énekek édesanyáknak és csecsemőiknek
Zenével a mentális egészségért
A Kolozsvári Kulturális Központ csapata a tartós lehangoltsággal és szorongásos tünetekkel küzdő anyákat egy olyan kísérleti projektben és kutatásban való részvételre hívja, melynek keretén belül együtt tapasztalhatjuk meg a közös éneklés és zene jótékony hatásait.
A kiscsoportos műhelyfoglalkozásokra Kolozsváron kerül sor, csoportonként 8-12 anyuka és kisbabája részvételével, 10 héten keresztül, hetente egyszer, egy órás találkozással.
A részvételhez nem szükséges semmilyen zenei előképzés, tapasztalat vagy tehetség.
A műhelyfoglalkozásra olyan édesanyák jelentkezését várjuk, akik:
– Már betöltötték a 18 évet, csecsemőik pedig legtöbb 10 hónaposak
– Vállalják, hogy részt vesznek a tíz héten keresztül futó ingyenes műhelyfoglalkozás valamennyi tevékenységén
– Nyitottak arra, hogy a projekt keretében megvalósított kutatás lépéseiben részt vesznek: kitöltik a tevékenységek során bemutatott kérdőíveket és a tíz hét leteltével részt vesznek egy fókuszcsoportos tevékenységen
– Depresszív hangulattal és szorongásos tünetekkel küzdenek: szomorúság, stressz, gyakori hangulatingadozások.
A tevékenységeken való részvétel ingyenes, jelentkezni a május 29-ig kitöltött jelentkezési űrlap kitöltésével lehet. A helyek száma korlátozott.
A projekt keretén belül ezen a nyáron két csoport indítását tervezzük, a román nyelven zajló műhelyfoglalkozásokra június 6 és augusztus 8 között kerül sor, a magyar nyelven zajló tevékenységek pedig június 13 és augusztus 16 között zajlanak. A program iránt érdeklődő anyák nyelvi preferenciáik függvényében jelentkezhetnek egyik vagy a másik csoportba, a jelentkezési űrlapot már ennek a döntésnek a tudatában érdemes kitölteni.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_button button_url=\”\” url_new_window=\”on\” button_text=\”Jelentkezz\” _builder_version=\”4.0.2\” box_shadow_style=\”preset5\” box_shadow_color=\”#0c71c3\”][/et_pb_button][et_pb_text _builder_version=\”4.0.2\”]
A műhelyfoglalkozások résztvevőit az online jelentkezési űrlaphoz csatolt kérdőív kiértékelése alapján választjuk ki, amely az édesanyák hangulati állapotát hivatott felmérni. A velünk megosztott információkat bizalmasan kezeljük és kizárólag a kutatáshoz fogjuk használni.
A jelentkezéshez szükséges adatok kezelésével kapcsolatos részletes információk megtalálhatóak a Tájékoztató adatlapban, melynek elolvasása alapfeltétele a foglalkozásokra való jelentkezésnek. A jelentkezési folyamat során begyűjtött személyes adatokat csupán a kutatáshoz szükséges előfeltételek biztosítása érdekében használjuk, a névtelenített adatok elemzése az előírt rendelkezések szigorú betartásával történik.
A magyar nyelvű csoport zenei vezetője Bertóti Johanna, dalszerző-énekes, költő, műfordító és dramaturg, aki versek megzenésítésével és saját szövegű dalok írásával, illetve ezek előadásával foglalkozik. Johanna bő tíz éve zenél, jelenleg négy gyerek- és két kamaszoknak illetve felnőtteknek szóló műsor van a repertoárján, koncertjeit (nem csak a gyerekeknek szólóakat) igyekszik mindig interaktívvá tenni és mélyen hisz a zene felszabadító erejében.
A román nyelvű műhelyfoglalkozás vezetője Alexandra Făgărășan, zongorista és zenetanár, aki jelenleg a lámpalázzal küzdő serdülők támogatásával kapcsolatban írja szakdolgozatát. Alexandra kórustag, valamint egy gyermekotthonban szervezett zenei program koordinátora, a közös éneklés élményét nagyon fontosnak tartja.
Kérdéseikkel hívjon a 0752073058-as telefonszámon, vagy írjon nekünk a email címre.
A Kolozsvári Kulturális Központ által szervezett projektet az Egészségügyi Világszervezet Európai Regionális Irodája (WHO Európa) és az Északi Kulturális Alap kezdeményezte, célja a művészetek és kultúra bevonása az egészségügyi szolgáltatások tágabb kínálatába, hatékony és fenntartható stratégiák kidolgozása által. A műhelyfoglalkozások párhuzamosan zajlanak majd Romániában és Dániában, a Kolozsváron zajló tevékenységeket az Európai Bizottság, a CultureForHealth projekt keretén belül támogatja, melynek további partnerei: Culture Action Europe, Trans Europe Halles, Central Denmark Region, The Northern Dimension Partnership for Culture és a Društvo Asociacija .
European funding for the development of Culture Next – the network of former or current candidate cities for the European Capital of Culture title
Cluj Cultural Centre, together with the partners from Culture Next network, obtained a three-year funding of 824,525.98 euros from the
- Culture Next
European funding for the development of Culture Next – the network of former or current candidate cities for the European Capital of Culture title
Cluj Cultural Centre, together with the partners from Culture Next network, obtained a three-year funding of 824,525.98 euros from the
- Culture Next
European funding for the development of Culture Next – the network of former or current candidate cities for the European Capital of Culture title
Cluj Cultural Centre, together with the partners from Culture Next network, obtained a three-year funding of 824,525.98 euros from the
Cluj Cultural Centre, together with the partners from Culture Next network, obtained a three-year funding of 824,525.98 euros from the European Commission, through the Creative Europe program.
The funding will be used to implement the Culture Next network program, a network founded in 2017 that aims to support European cities to implement urban development programs and strategies through culture.
The main objectives for the next three years are:
- Establishment of a Network Strategic Committee and a Working Group on cultural policy proposal;
- Creating the Guide to Local Cultural Strategies for Sustainable Development;
- Organizing six network meetings in Leeuwarden, Aveiro, Elefsina, Belfast, Trenčín and Oulu;
- Establishing an artistic mobility program by organizing 18 residencies;
- Organize thematic working groups on the reform of the European Capital of Culture project and two other significant topics of current culture in Europe, including the preparation of policy recommendation documents, podcast broadcasts and public conferences for each of the developed topics;
- Launch of a new, improved edition of the Cities Fund for Culture;
- Increasing the Culture Next network professionalism.
Culture Next currently has 26 European member cities and aims to advocate for greater European recognition of the role of culture in sustainable development and to expand existing European frameworks for cultural cooperation.
Cluj Cultural Centre is part of a new large-scale EU project: CultureForHealth
Cluj Cultural Centre is one of the partners within project “CultureForHealth” that will run from December 2021 to May 2023.
- Inner Space, News from CCC
Cluj Cultural Centre is part of a new large-scale EU project: CultureForHealth
Cluj Cultural Centre is one of the partners within project “CultureForHealth” that will run from December 2021 to May 2023.
- Inner Space, News from CCC
Cluj Cultural Centre is part of a new large-scale EU project: CultureForHealth
Cluj Cultural Centre is one of the partners within project “CultureForHealth” that will run from December 2021 to May 2023.
Cluj Cultural Centre is one of the partners within project “CultureForHealth” that will run from December 2021 to May 2023. Together with project partners we will investigate and develop the culture & health field within five areas.
There is a rising awareness in the EU of the important role of cultural activities and the arts when securing mental health and well-being on both on an individual and collective level. The ambition to harness positive effects of cultural approaches to well-being is growing at the policy level. Yet, designing sustainable policy interventions that reliably implement a change of approach at the practitioner level is no trivial task.
European Commission has offered 500.000 euros to a major European partnership to carry out a key study on this topic. The partnership consists of major European cultural networks, organisations and a region: Culture Action Europe (the project manager), Trans Europe Halles, the Northern Dimension Partnership for Culture, Danish Central Denmark Region, Centrul Cultural Clujean from Romania and Društvo Asociacija from Slovenia.
18 months with CultureForHealth
Under the title “CultureForHealth”, the partnership will run from December 2021 to May 2023 and investigate and develop the field within five areas. It will improve the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the EU related to the role of culture in well-being and health, identify the most relevant existing practices, improve opportunities for actors in the field, carry out at least five smaller pilot projects and make a set of policy recommendations. The “CultureForHealth” website, which will go online in January 2022, will feature news and results of the project.
“The Long term aim of the project is to trigger a real policy change and to create a reference platform for experimentation and policy development for a new cultural dimension in health, welfare and well-living”, – said Tere Badia, Secretary General of Culture Action Europe.
Renowned Experts and the World Health Organisation is following the project
The project is followed by an advisory board composed of experts who have placed special focus on culture, health and wellbeing and some of them contributed to a large-scale international report published in 2019. The advisory board includes researchers and practitioners from Sweden, Denmark, England, Belgium, Lithuania and Romania.
“Although the evidence to support the role of the arts in improving health and well-being has become increasingly strong over the last 10 years, there is still little coordinated activity that brings together experience and learning with regard to implementation at the country level. The CultureForHealth Partnership will fill an important gap by providing a space where knowledge and practice from effective interventions and case studies that have used the arts to promote health at the European level, can be showcased and disseminated,”- said Nils Fietje, Research Officer at WHO Europe.
Pilot projects
The six CultureForHealth pilot projects include projects about live music in hospitals, museum experiences for people with dementia, cultural experiences against burnout in the workplace, as well as cultural experiences to strengthen social conditions, inclusion and mental well-being. All of the projects are being followed by researchers who will gather and publish the experiences and results in articles and reports as part of the CultureForHealth project.
Cross-sectorial exchanges all over Europe
During the 18 months, CultureForHeath will bring together EU and national policy makers and experts from the cultural, health and social fields and will share knowledge through a series of study visits, roundtables workshops and presentations, which will bring the project to Italy, Spain, Romania, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden.
Our Members
131 member organizations
Cultural organizations and institutions, universities, business and civil society associations, local and regional administration.