A working session collaboration with On the Move, with the support of Izolyatsia, Malý Berlín and the Goethe-Institut. Funded by the European Union. With the local support of Cluj Cultural Centre and the Institut français of Cluj-Napoca.
What is Culture Moves Europe?
Culture Moves Europe provides mobility grants for artists and cultural professionals in all 40 Creative Europe countries (including Romania). It covers the sectors of architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, literature, music, performing arts, and visual arts.
Funded by the European Union, Culture Moves Europe is implemented by the Goethe-Institut e.V.
There is currently a call for individual mobilities with monthly deadlines until the 30 November 2024.
Information can be found here.
What are the objectives of the workshop?
The overall aim of the workshop is to prepare potential applicants from Romania / legally based in Romania to apply for one of the two last calls for individual mobilities (deadline on 31 October or deadline on 30 November 2024). The objective is to provide you, as a participant, with tools and advice to increase your chance when applying for the Culture Moves Europe’s mobility grant!
The specific objectives are to provide the workshop participants with:
- a clear understanding about the contents of the application: the template + required attached documents,
- a clear understanding about how to fill in the narrative parts in the application, and
- a space to work on the application and receive individual feedback.
What are the targeted participants?
Participants to the workshop (maximum of 20) are:
– from Romania or legally based in Romania, based in Cluj and its surroundings,
– involved in the sectors of architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, literature, music, performing arts, or visual arts,
– artists and/or culture professionals (cultural manager, producer, curator, researcher etc.)
– aged 18 years old+.
What is needed to take part in the workshop?
Participants need to be informed about the Culture Moves Europe’s call and ideally have taken part in an online info session about Culture Moves Europe by the Goethe-Institut (information can be found on their social media: LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook).
Potential participants need to have a mobility project in mind in one of the 39 Creative Europe countries* and be able to address these questions (a mobility for what? with whom? in which country?)
* Albania, Austria, Armenia, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, and Ukraine.
With whom?
The workshop will be facilitated by Marie Le Sourd, Secretary general of On the Move, the cultural mobility information network active in Europe and internationally.
On the Move is co-funded by the European Union and the French Ministry of Culture.
Wednesday 16 October 2024: 10.00-12.30
In the afternoon, for those interested from 13.30-15.00, an additional time can be proposed in case of specific questions.
This afternoon session is only open to participants that would have attended the morning workshop.
The workshop will be held at Institut français Cluj-Napoca, Strada Ion I.C., Bratianu 22, 400079 Cluj-Napoca
Financial conditions:
The workshop is free of charge for those based in Cluj or surroundings. The workshop is on a first come-first basis process (based on key conditions for participation).
How to register?
Fill this form by 30 September 2024!
Email for requests / questions not answered by the call: mobility@on-the-move.org