The Cultural Voucher. The experience of the pupils of Traian Dârjan School at the Summer School in Telciu

In August , ten children from Pata Rât had the opportunity to attend the Summer School in Telciu, due to the cultural voucher implemented by Cluj Cultural Centre and supported this year by the Jazz in the Park Fund.

The Cultural Voucher is a voucher providing free access to cultural events for which normally the audience buys an entrance ticket. The initiative carried out by Cluj Cultural Centre aims to increase the access to culture and to develop the opportunities of interaction and active participation in the cultural life of the city for the Cluj community.

Within the Summer School in Telciu, the pupils of Traian Dârjan school, the first beneficiaries of the programme, attended theatre performances, animation and juggling workshops and movie screenings. The children were accompanied throughout the event by Claudia Demeter, teacher, and Selma Dragoș, resident artist within the project Art’n’Play.

This autumn, the Cultural Voucher will continue to support attendance at cultural events in Cluj for different types of beneficiaries – wishing to increase the access to culture, this year’s edition is dedicated to children and young people from vulnerable social groups. Carried out in collaboration with

Raluca Association,
The Romanian Maltese Relief Service,

Clujul are Suflet,

Autism Transylvania Association,

Traian Dârjan School,

the cultural voucher will also reach young people with Down syndrome, people with motor disabilities, young people from the rural area who study in Cluj, children with autism or Roma children. 

The cultural voucher is part of the project Academy of Change and is a project financed by the Jazz in the Park Fund


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