Inner Space

Inner Space, News

Art in Social Prescribing at Culture and Well-being Forum

The 2024 Forum explores social prescribing as an opportunity to integrate culture, social and health efforts to provide holistic approaches to individual and community health and resilience. Hear from experts who are pioneering with models of arts on prescription and be part of the movement paving the way to cultural welfare.  

Inner Space

Songs for moms and babies / Énekek édesanyáknak és csecsemőiknek

Songs for moms and babies A music project for mental health Cluj Cultural Centre proposes to new mothers who face continuous anxiety, sadness, depression or despair to participate in a pilot project in which we can explore together the benefits of music for emotional and mental health. The group workshops will take place in Cluj-Napoca.

Inner Space, News from CCC

Culture and Well-being Forum 2021

Initiated by the Cluj Cultural Centre in 2018, the Culture and Well-being Forum will take place this year around the theme “Scaling Up Arts and Culture Interventions for Health and Well-being”. The three-day program (October 25-27) includes panels, inspirational discussions, case studies, workshops, policy debates, and an artistic program. The event is aimed at culture

Inner Space, The Academy of Change

The culture pill for well-being

People who interacted more with art in the first months of the pandemic experienced fewer negative moods: 64% of them said that art helped them feel better and frequent consumption of art was associated with an improved mood, significance and appreciation for beauty, according to a study conducted by the Cluj Cultural Centre in 2020.

Inner Space

Superpower! – a participatory project

Superpower! – a participatory project on collective empathy and the impact of the environment on students’ well-being In the framework of the Art&Well-being project, Cluj Cultural Centre hosts Ling Tan’s SUPERPOWER! Workshops in Cluj-Napoca on May 24th-25th and June 2nd-3rd.  UK based artist Ling Tan is one of the artists selected through the Art &

Inner Space, Quantum EN

Experimental spaces for arts and well-being imagined, prototyped and implemented in a school in Cluj-Napoca

Cluj Cultural Centre develops through the Learning QUB and the Art & Well-being projects sustainable models of cultural and scientific education, contributing through arts to the well-being of the beneficiaries of these projects. The initiative at the “Onisifor Ghibu” High School is carried out through a participatory process with more than 20 people involved, landscapers,

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