Cultural Policies

Cultural Policies, News from CCC

Seminar + coaching for artists with Mahir Namur, Existential Coach, Psychological Counselor, Vienna – Istanbul

Cluj Cultural Centre organizes, through the Academy of Change program, a seminar and individual coaching sessions with Mahir Namur, an existential coach, psychological counselor in Vienna and Istanbul. The seminar will be held on Monday, December 17th, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m., at ClujHub, 22-26 Regele Ferdinand Street, Central Commercial Center, 3rd Floor. The professional

Cultural Policies, News, The Academy of Change

More than 200 children participated at the cultural mediation program of the Academy of Change and explored contemporary art through interactive activities

Between December 12th and 18th, 2018, the first activities for children took place as part of the cultural mediation program, developed by Cluj Cultural Centre. The activities were organized in conjunction with the exhibition Memory as Vision, part of the series of events announcing ECCA – European Centre for Contemporary Art. Over 200 children aged

Cultural Policies

The Second Meeting of Culture Next Network in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

On May 4 and May 5 Liberty Technology Park in the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca hosted Culture Next, the European Capital of Culture Candidates Cities Network. The special guest of the conference was Pier Luigi Sacco, Professor of Cultural Economics at IULM University in Milan, Senior Researcher and Visiting Scholar at the Harvard University, and

Cultural Policies

Open Academy of Change

OPEN ACADEMY OF CHANGE is a program aimed to grow the capacity of civic and cultural sectors. Everybody can enrol in the Academy: citizens, cultural organizations, companies and universities. In 2020, the Academy will work at full capacity, serving over 2.000 Romanian and European cultural operators and 200.000 participants. In 2017, we inaugurate Open University,

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