Learning from nature at the 6th Cultural Mediation Forum

The sixth edition of the Cultural Mediation Forum addresses the theme of nature as a medium and subject of cultural mediation and related fields: pedagogy, education, scientific communication.

How do culture and nature intersect in mediation? What alternative models of ecological education and complex understanding of the world exist? How do art and science collaborate to explore the natural environment? How about to develop soft skills? What natural ways of integrating art and science into sustainable practices inspire us? How do artists, scientists, educators and facilitators develop a lively understanding and awareness of the importance of the natural environment among young people and adults?

Nature is fertile ground for experimenting with new mediation practices, and different perspectives naturally meet and draw from this vitality and inspirational power when they are concerned with nature. During the Forum we will cross mediation practices coming from education or culture, from science and art, from theory and action, through the experience and examples of good practice illustrated by mediators, pedagogues, scientists and artists.

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