This week the LEAP project consortium, consisting of the Departments of Public Health and Political Science of UBB, PONT group and Cluj Cultural Centre organized four public consultations to identify possible measures to reduce systemic gaps in the youth sector in the fields of Education, Health, Participation and Living Environment.
The consultations were attended by 55 representatives of some of the most important local operators in the youth sector, who came up with over 150 possible measures to solve some of the most important systemic problems identified following the interdisciplinary research conducted by the project consortium during this period.
Necessary measures were debated for 12 major problems that were reported by young people from Cluj, aged between 10 and 24 years. These include: discrepancies between educational needs and school supply, inequality of opportunity and access to education and health services, poor development of support mechanisms for young people, insufficient participation of young people in decision making, insufficient coordination between important local and metropolitan actors , lack of accessible infrastructure for leisure, creativity and collaboration between young people.
In the next period, the LEAP consortium will publish and disseminate the final results of the qualitative and quantitative research carried out and the results of mapping and consulting local and metropolitan stakeholders that are active in the field of youth.
All those interested in contributing to this public consultation can do so by filling in the questionnaire for active stakeholders in the youth sector:
LEAP is an interdisciplinary research project assessing the needs and opportunities of young people in the Cluj metropolitan area, developed by Babeș-Bolyai University through the Department of Public Health and FSPAC Cluj-Napoca, together with PONT Group and Cluj Cultural Centre. The project is funded by the Botnar Foundation.
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