

The intercultural summer school starts today for the children of Pata Rât communities

The intercultural summer school is a Cluj Cultural Centre initiative, which wants to offer children from Pata-Rât the opportunity to participate, during the summer, in creative, recreational and educational activities in a natural and friendly environment. It stems from the need of mutual understanding between the majority and the minority communities. This year’s edition of […]


“Roma (S)heroes” theatre workshop within the Jivipen program

The “Roma (S)heroes” workshops are intended for young Roma and non-Roma aged between 16 and 25, interested in discovering contemporary Roma drama and creatively exploring the figure of the heroine/hero. Participation in the workshops is free. Together with trainers Mihaela Drăgan and Zita Moldovan, the participants will get in touch with texts of Roma drama



JIVIPEN („life”, in romani language) is a project realised with the Roma associations, tackling structural and everyday racism. Jivipen tries to make Roma communities more responsible and creates meetings between Roma minority and the rest of the population. Amongst the activities of the project: international camps for children, theatre residencies and events, visual arts and

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