Playful Art

Playful Art

A new Pre-Texts training series for teachers

This year’s first training session took place on September 28, within the Pre-Texts educational program, dedicated to teachers. Pre-Texts is a learning protocol developed by the Cultural Agents organization, a program which stimulates critical thinking, creativity and active participation with the help of literary texts. Its purpose is to outline a new way of teaching, […]

Culture Inspires, Playful Art

New training sessions within the Pre-Texts educational program

After the start of the second training session within the Pre-Texts educational program, which is currently attended by teachers from the Theoretical High Schools “Eugen Pora” and “Onisifor Ghibu” in Cluj-Napoca, facilitators Cristina Rogoz and Selma Dragoş had the opportunity to coordinate a three-hour workshop at the Academy of Change Forum (online), in which they

Playful Art

Pre-Texts Educational Program started being implemented in Cluj schools

Pre-Texts is a protocol that develops critical thinking and reading through art (visual art, performance art, literary art, etc.). It is based on complex literary texts, and the teachers at “Iuliu Hațieganu” Secondary School chose Hermann Hesse’s “Narcissus and Goldmund” as support material for this first training session. Following our initiative to bring Pre-Texts Program

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