Representatives of the Remarkable Romania board at the International Training Week in Bordeaux

Sites & Cités remarquables de France, the partners of Cluj Cultural Centre for the development of the Romania Remarkable program, organized last week in Bordeaux the fifth edition of the International Training Week, with the participation of 24 specialists in heritage management from 16 countries.

Among the participants were also the representatives of two organizations from Cluj that are members of the Centre, but also of the Romania Remarkable advisory board: Ágnes BALÁZSI-PÁL and Adela AVRAM, representing the PONT group and the Transilvania Trust, respectively.

“The collaboration of different fields and the exchange of experience are defining elements of our approach regarding the issue of castles and the built heritage of Transylvania. It was an extremely intense week, we had the opportunity to get to know experts, projects and experiences from all parts of the world, from many interconnected areas; it was an honor to represent and present the castles in Transylvania at this event. ”said Ágnes BALÁZSI-PÁL the executive director of the PONT group.

Having the central theme “Heritage and sustainable development”, the meeting in Bordeaux was intended for the coordinator of international projects in the fields of heritage, culture, tourism and sustainable development. During the meeting there were exchanges of experience in the field of heritage management and sustainable development, working sessions for the development of innovative transversal collaborations between the organizations and the projects represented, as well as discussions about possible partnerships between the French authorities and the participating international organizations.

About Romania Remarkable
Remarkable Romania is a national type label program that creates a network of localities that adopt strategies and programs for local development through heritage and culture. Remarkable Romania started in 2019 in 12 localities, and will expand to 25 localities in 2020 and 40 localities in 2021. The project is conducted by Cluj Cultural Centre in partnership with Sites& Cités remarquables de France, under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture and National Identity in Romania and the Ministry of Culture in France.
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