Training course in heritage interpretation and capitalization, within the Remarkable Romania program

On May 27-28, we organized, together with our partners from Sites & Cités remarquables de France, a training course on the role of heritage interpretation.

The course was addressed to museum directors, ethnographers, mediators, teachers but also to the staff of the Tourist Information Centers in the Remarkable Romania network, who deal with the promotion of heritage in local communities.

On the first day, the French trainers and guests presented the global framework of heritage mediation, the role of the interpreter and what kind of actions can be implemented, what media can be used and how to measure success in what concerns mediation actions.

The second day was dedicated to presenting mediation examples for specific audiences, such as young and adult audiences in rural areas. The Nantes Heritage Platform was presented as well, with a focus on the importance of working with local residents to identify and promote local heritage.

The sessions were:

May 27, 2021: Mediation, local heritage and rural communities

  • Jessica DE BIDERAN, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Bordeaux Montaigne: Storytelling and Heritage Mediation
  • Christian GENSBEITEL, Lecturer, University of Bordeaux Montaigne: What is heritage interpretation and how is it implemented?
  • Emilie LHOSTE, Head of the Heritage Department, Rouen Normandy Metropolis: Heritage mediation techniques and participatory approaches

May 28, 2021: Implementation: What are the mediation and interpretation techniques for local heritage?

  • Sandrine DAUREIL, Architecture and Heritage Coordinator, and Laurie GACON, Heritage Interpreter for Young Audiences, Pays d’art et d’histoire de Saint-Flour Communauté: Mediation Actions for Young and Adult Audiences in Rural Areas.
  • Tania SAINT-AIMÉ, Head of Archives and Collections, Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni: The Architecture and Heritage Interpretation Centre, a tool for capitalizing on intangible and architectural heritage
  • Gaëlle CAUDAL, Head of Scientific and Cultural Partnerships, Nantes: „Nantes Patrimonia”, a collaboration platform for identifying and promoting local heritage

The course was free and took place online on the Zoom platform.

About Remarkable Romania

The Remarkable Romania program develops a network of towns and villages that perceive heritage and culture as drivers of rural and regional development. The program is realized by Cluj Cultural Centre in partnership with Sites et Cités Remarquables de France and the Cluj County Council, under the patronage of the Romanian and French Ministries of Culture.

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