On March 16, 2020 Cluj Cultural Centre together with 46 member organizations sent a proposal to the Ministry of Culture containing support measures for the cultural sector in the context of COVID-19 crisis. Other member or partner organizations joined the initiative along the way.
The COVID-19 pandemic critically affects a high number of cultural organizations, artists and independent cultural workers who, due to the cancellation of cultural events and projects, and due to the lack of structural support mechanisms, are left profoundly vulnerable facing an economic and health crisis.
Under such conditions, the intervention and support of the state is absolutely necessary to prevent a humanitarian crisis and the complete destruction of the cultural sector in the country.
The list of proposals along with the names of all the cosignatory organizations is available here.
UPDATE March 17: The number of cosignatories reached 53, after Compania de Tango Cluj, PATRIR, AFA Cluj, Zestrea Association, Romanian French Institute in Cluj-Napoca, ARCHÉ Association and Cluj Cultural Association Teatrul Proxim joined the initial signatories.
Any other proposals can be sent to contact@cccluj.ro, and they will be integrated in the future correspondence with the Ministry.